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Facebooker Takes Own Life Following 'Friends' Snub

Clive Danton - May 2015

A 40 year old woman from North Wales has reportedly committed suicide after getting a lukewarm response to a status update, in which she left a cryptic message concerning something potentially traumatic that had happened the previous day.


Mrs Jade Terry, a care-home worker and mother of 3, threw herself in front of a train near her home in Newport and was declared dead at the scene. She had posted a message on Monday morning which said: "Oh no! I can't believe I did that last night!" Mrs Terry, who has over 700 Facebook friends, was, "absolutely gutted" when only 120 people left concerned messages in her Inbox, according to her daughter, Tracy, 19.


"Mum was devastated by the lack of sympathy shown" she told reporters "I mean to say, you expect at least two-thirds of your friends to send concerned private messages when you post an attention-seeking status don't you? Before mum took her own life she confided in me that she didn't even receive a "You ok hun?" message for God's sake. People can be so cruel sometimes and, if you ask me, need to take a good, long, hard look at themselves"


This latest social media-related tragedy comes just two weeks after a 29-year-old woman from Dorking put her head in the gas oven following a muted response to a Facebook picture of her hideous 3-year-old daughter stroking their fucking cat.



A Facebooker pictured looking traumatised after taking a long, hard look at herself last night

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